Introduction to Computer Graphics

This post is the platform for posting materials for course “Introduction to Computer Graphics” for summer semester.

On the New Meaning of Life: Part II

A Possible Resolution of the Aforementioned and some Additional Philosophical Problems My previous post introduced a variety of philosophical premises for understanding consciousness and its formation from matter, the birth of morality, and the overall context we find ourselves in. Since the complexity of life is unbearable for virtually all of us, in this essay, …

On the New Meaning of Life: Part I

Every consciousness wants to maximize its chances of survival (passing on their information content). Hence, it uses a variety of tools to map its surroundings and formulate predictive models to minimize surprise.

Overcoming Lack of Motivation

10 Tips on Combatting Resistance I understand that compared to my previous, highly technical, posts, this will be a more general self-help type of article applicable beyond my domain of software development. I am no self-help guru, nor do I claim to be perfect at the tips I recommend, but nevertheless I have found some …


When a sampling point is located near some part of a mesh, it is utterly useless to compute distances to triangles that are “on the other side” of the mesh. One might think that the concept of “closeness” to some triangles of the mesh is inseparable from the distance we intend to compute, but it turns out that there is another set of approaches utilizing a “friend” of programmers who want to accelerate a process handling arbitrarily large amounts of data – a binary tree